Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Happy Unpicking

Well, I am not really happy about it but I am happy I have made the decision to unpick it. I have looked at the quilt for a few weeks, and with the off tension and the 4 different styles of stipple stitching from myself, my sister, my mum and my 4 year old niece, it just doesn't look right!I really wanted to give this one to Oliver's teacher, she will be leaving at the end of the term so I do have time to join in the second quilt along or make another top, will see how this one looks when it's unpicked and redone.A great project for sitting in front of the TV.


Leah said...

Well done - that's such a responsible choice :)

Emma said...

I hope it doesn't take too long and make you see too much red (or purple!)